BoneHead RC carbon upgraded Losi 5ive t hybrid servo battery plate kit
Machined from 100% genuine carbon fibre layered specially to BoneHead-RC specification for an unparalleled match on strength and reliability.
This custom plate was designed by bonehead rc to make for a nice neat install for the DIY hybrids, using 3 servos 2 standard servos for brake and throttle and a large servo for steering.
Been made from carbon and fully supported to the chassis with standoffs the plate does not flex, allowing maximum torque from all servos giving consistency in steering and braking.
This unique brake arrangement is based on my baja steering kit and allows a solid braking setup, no need for high torque servos.
The kit also acts as a chassis support plate making sure your chassis is more reliable instead of just having the centre bracing, this limits chassis twist because it's support not just in the centre but also tank side and servo side.
The kit is plug and play for the DIY losi hybrid but slight mods are needed if you use the outlaw or RCMAX hybrid chassis, just requires a few holes drilling into the chassis to make use of the standoffs pretty simple to do and will only take a few minutes.
Come maintenance time when you need to clean or service, the whole kit servos battery tray comes out with the plate in 5 minutes just removing 10 bolts.
All wires are zip tied to the plate keeping them out the way and keeps it looking smart, no need to be OCD the kits designed to hide all wires and we all hate trying to tidy up wiring.
Engraved with the famous BoneHead-RC logo that's become a trade mark known world wide for providing the best of the best carbon upgrades.
Made to order