BoneHead RC upgraded Taylor 35cc Reed shroud extension plate
Machined from 100% genuine carbon fibre layered specially to BoneHead-RC specification for an unparalleled match on strength and reliability.
This has been made specially for my Taylor 35 Reed engine, a nice carbon heat shield extension.
Helps reduce heat and heat soaking
Just trim the small section off the stock heat shroud, dremel works fine.
Fully tested by bonehead himself (Me) over the last couple of months, and our recent UK bashfest may 2024 with no over heating or heat soak issues.
Use the pictures to guide fitting, just line up where suits, drill a small 2mm hole in the shroud, fit the screw, line up and nip up (nip up) once the screw as bottomed on the plate that's it it's tight and right.
Then drill the other hole fit the screw job done.