Boneahead RC upgraded Reed petal kit big bore engines TaylorRC alx
Here we have replacement Reed Patel kit consist of 4 petals enough to do one Reed cage, these petals have been on the market since 2017 prior to this I did small bore reeds from 2016.
There is literally thousands of these in engines from 26cc to 88cc around the world keeping your engine on top performance.
I advise replacing your stock carbon petals after 10 hrs run time, or at very least checking for bowing and damage.
Petals are an over looked item and should be changed regularly, these roughly flap per stroke of the engine so at just 16000 rpm that’s over 266 times a second.
These upgrade made by bonehead rc are way more reliable than stock carbon petals at a fraction of the cost, the feedback from my personal use and feed back from my customers who run my petals all have had a positive review and gained more revs from there stock petals.